
Updated ArisaKnits Apple Watch Row Counter (2.0) and made a free web version

ArisaKnits Row Counter Apple Watch App

I'm excited to share that the 2.0 update for the ArisaKnits Row Counter Apple Watch app is live! It went live a few weeks ago now and I had been working on it on and off for a couple months.

This update was the first time I wrote the code all by myself with minimal help. I'm so proud of this accomplishment in my programming journey. There were many moments were I got stuck and got impatient on how slow my progress was going, but I pushed through and got this update out!

More info on update 2.0

  • New reset row setting! Set the row to automatically reset the counter when reaching that specific row (helpful for when following a repeating pattern)
  • New counter linked to the reset row setting that tracks the number of repeats
  • Update the counter face where the main counter is now the increase button making the button bigger than the decrease button
  • Reset Counter button is now set as destructive and bright red

Tip: Apple Watches by default will close the app after 2 minutes. You can change this setting to 1 hour by going to Settings > General > scroll down to "Return to Clock" > select "After 1 hour"

Screenshot of the Settings face on the Apple Watch app ArisaKnits Row Counter

Screenshot of the Row Counter face on the Apple Watch app ArisaKnits Row Counter

ArisaKnits Row Counter Web App

Since the last time I blogged, I also made a web version of the row counter and released it earlier this year (whaaat!). I learned so much while working on this web version. It helped pushed my programming knowledge past a big hurdle that I struggled to get past for many many years. My coach, Nicole Cruz, and the coaching cohort I joined last year helped me get past the internal struggle, build my confidence and trust in myself. Those tools that I learned allowed me to learn something new like coding. I also had so much support and guidance from my husband while I was work on the web app -- helping me understand what I didn't know and helping me Google :)

Plans for next update

I'm working on the ability to add multiple counters! I'm starting with updating the web version of it to make it easier for my friends to help test and then I'll add the update over to my Apple Watch app once it's done!

Screenshot of my work-in-progress ability to create multiple counters on the web version of the ArisaKnits Row Counter

Current Work In Progress

I started my second ever weaving project on my Ashford Knitters Loom (rigid heddle loom)! I'm hoping to make a pillow cover with it. We shall see what happens haha.

Photo of my current weaving project in dark gray and bright green stripes

I'm also working on my second pair of The Whimsical Sock Collective - Sock 2. I've been wanting to make these socks and it'll be a great pair for the fall.

Working on a pair of dark green socks

Time Ago: 8 months ago

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